Wednesday, August 13, 2014

the puppet shows, " wayang "

the puppet shows, "wayang"

Well who does not know the art of puppet shows. 
performing arts originated from Java, Indonesia is an art that combines some elements of both sculpture, painting, singing, art, characterization, storytelling, music, a technique up philosophy. 

hear a "puppet" would immediately impressed with 
"dhalang or mastermind" an expert in the field of puppetry, puppet plays either way, language, vocal, mastery of the stage, the audience and the story line, when the puppet show takes place, 

"shinden or sinden" is the voice of each of each round, by the time the show takes place, 

"gamelan" music that is pentatonic, the music consists of five tones in an octave. the puppet art as accompanist gamelan music performances take place during the process. 

puppet performing arts, has been recognized by UNESCO in 2003 as Indonesia's cultural heritage 
(Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity). 

the art of puppet shows are usually on display in the evening and lasted until mid-morning.

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