Sunday, August 3, 2014

Sate Klatak, Klatak Satay Yogyakarta

Sate Klatak
(Klatak Satay)

for culinary tourism in Yogyakarta, there is one area of interest and should be tried in addition to "Gudeg", is "Sate Klatak". 

"Sate Klatak" made ​​from a young goat meat, on the work surface with a simple seasoning, just use garlic and salt after it had burned.  coupled with a pot of tea at the table eating, hemmm delicious. 

Location where the sale of satay klatak Imogiri lie along the path, the direction towards the tomb of the king of Mataram was interred. 

good luck culinary tour in yogyakarta

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