Saturday, August 2, 2014

Bromo seen from the other side, East Java

Bromo seen from the other side,
East Java

see bromo of climbing, can be passed from Probolinggo city lanes and stop at the last stop in the parking lot of Mount Bromo area, then you can hire a jeep for around Mount Bromo. 
however there are several paths that can be traversed in order to enjoy bromo side as in the photo. 

To get a view like this, usually done by the mountain climber mountain destination semeru / Mahameru, they usually start from the poor town and past the point of bromo south side, they usually stop for a moment to enjoy the scenery and menjutkan longer trips to Ranu pani, pani ranu is the base camp before the first trip to the mountain climber semeru.

the village tour: 

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