Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Blangkon Fashion of Javanese traditional clothes

Blankon fashion of Javanese traditional clothes

The Blangkon craft, the blangkon is one part of the Javanese traditional clothes which are worn on the head, The Blangkon a Javanese traditional clothes which is divided into two, namely the blangkon with motifs the blangkon Surakarta or Solo and Yogyakarta or Jogja with a motifs.

The Blangkon rates began from 25,000 to hundreds of thousands of rupiah depending on the cloth used. typically the used the batik cloth, but there are also commonly use a plain black cloth, depending on its purpose, whether used for official ceremony (weddings, traditions)
or on of daily activities.

positive value when we come directly to the craftsmen the blangkon, the city can adjust the size of the head and use the appropriate fabrics we want,
negative values ​​we are required to be patient, because it runs approximately one week to two weeks. besides the slightly higher rates than rates in the market, especially when you bring a nice cloth, and expensive. The suitable for a souvenirs

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